Aesop Rock annuncia un nuovo album con il video del singolo The Gates

Aesop Rock

The Gates anticipa Spirit World Field Guide, il nuovo album ufficiale frutto del talento di Aesop Rock.

L’ultima volta che vi abbiamo parlato di Aesop Rock è stato a gennaio dell’anno scorso, per l’uscita del disco in collaborazione con il produttore TOBACCO, uniti sotto il nome di Malibu Ken. Ora, a quasi due anni di distanza, il forte MC e producer sta per tornare con un nuovo album e tra noi abbiamo già il primo singolo estratto con tanto di video, The Gates.

Non sarà un progetto banale e lo possiamo capire sia da visual pubblicati nei giorni scorsi sui suoi social network che da questa clip diretta da da Rob Shaw e animata da Justin “Coro” Kaufman.

Cliccando play sul video, entriamo in un’apparentemente banale cena in famiglia a base di pizza – chiaramente pepperoni – con la figlia che sta aspettando il nuovo “amico” da presentare a madre e fratello. Una volta alla porta, tuttavia, sbuca dietro di lui un coniglio virtuale che li accompagna verso un libro sotterrato in giardino, all’interno del quale è narrata una storia con protagonista una lumaca gigante addestrata da un essere umano. Spettacolo.

Non vi raccontiamo come va a finire, ma vi invitiamo a guardarlo e ad ascoltare attentamente le parole dell’MC newyorkese che vi porteranno maggiormente all’interno di questa storia unica nel suo genere.

The Gates anticipa Spirit World Field Guide, il nuovo album di Aesop Rock in uscita il 13 novembre e interamente auto-prodotto, eccetto per un brano curato da Hanni El Khatib e Leon Michels.

Di seguito l’artwork del disco, teniamoci pronti per altre storie come questa.


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Hello – The entirety of SWFG (11/13/20) was produced by myself, with the exception of “Sleeper Car”, which was co-produced by Hanni El Khatib, Leon Michels, Homer Steinweiss, and me. Hanni’s guitar can also be heard on “Button Masher”. Hanni has been on several of my records, and you should check out his solo music too. He also dresses well and is a good graphic designer. My long-time collaborators Grimace Federation offered additional instrumentation throughout. You should certainly peep their work as well if you’re looking for some east coast synth-heavy weirdness. James Lynch played bass on a few tracks. I once saw him eat a lightbulb backstage at Irving Plaza, and a tarantula at a small market in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Sometimes he’s vegan, too. All scratches were performed by DJ Zone, probably between 3-7 AM while drinking Pepsi. Homeboy Sandman’s voice can be heard on “Boot Soup”, and Heidi Hopfer’s on “Hello from the Spirit World”. They’re both very tall, and encourage me to eat healthy. The entire ordeal was mixed by the incomparable Joey Raia assisted by Kevin Frias, and mastered by Joe LaPorta. The album art and related merch was illustrated by my friend Coro, who I can’t say enough good things about. I once helped facilitate the re-homing of a large tortoise who now lives with him. “The Gates” music video was directed by Rob Shaw, who will additionally have a hand in many of the future visuals associated with the project. At this point he’s done about 1 million videos for me. Best dude. Huge love out to Biz3 for continuing to represent my work all these years later. And of course the whole team at RSE for helping this idea become a reality. Lastly – this record is dedicated to my good friend Kurt Hayashi, who passed in January. He heard every demo along the way, and his enthusiasm was comforting on the days I was doubting myself. Just before he went to the hospital, we promised each other this would be the year we’d re-learn kickflips together. Two old men making a pact about a skateboard trick they learned when they were kids. I been trying to hold up my end, so here’s one for KH. Peace and love, A.R.

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