I Love: online il nuovo singolo e video di Joyner Lucas

Joyner Lucas

I Love è il primo singolo estratto dal prossimo album di Joyner Lucas.

Fresco di collaborazione assieme ad Eminem nel suo ultimo album KamikazeLucky You, di cui potete vedere il video cliccando qui – il forte rapper classe ’88 torna a pensare alla propria carriera pubblicando online I Love, singolo che fa da apripista al suo secondo album ufficiale, ADHD.

L’annuncio del disco è avvenuto su Instagram con un lungo post in cui spiega cosa rappresenta per lui questo nuovo progetto, svelando a tutti una patologia che gli hanno diagnosticato da bambino e con cui ha deciso di intitolare questo album. L’ADHD è un Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione/Iperattività e averlo gli ha causato diversi problemi, in particolare con la sua famiglia che l’ha fatto sempre sentire anormale, ma lo spiegano meglio le sue parole:


Visualizza questo post su Instagram


When I was a kid I was diagnosed with “ADHD”.. they said I was aggressive, fidgety, hyperactive, impulsive, etc… they tried to put me on meds. Everyone around me including my own parents made me feel like I wasn’t normal. I had to constantly see a doctor who made me take tests and all that. They separated me from the regular kids in school and put me in these classes away from everyone. I never felt like anything was wrong with me other than the fact I was just different and misunderstood. Every school I went to received a IEP, (which is a special folder with all my “ADHD” information) so they can repeat the process all over again. It was basically no different than wearing a sticker on your shirt that said “inmate”. I was judged by other students & even teachers. They spoke to me as if I was stupid and less intelligent than everyone else. In middle/ high school I was put in behavior disorder classes for my entire years attended. That consisted of 1 room away from everyone with a bunch of teens who had various types of behavior and learning issues. It was no different than being in solitary confinement. Eventually I would act out which led to me being expelled and sent to a alternative school. I can’t even count how many times I have been told that I wouldn’t amount to anything. Creating music was and always has been my only therapy. It’s the only way I ever knew how to express myself. I was tired of being cut off every time i spoke or had a opinion.. I figured if I made music then you would have no choice but to listen to me and hear me out. This project is my big FUCK YOU to any and everybody who never thought I wouldn’t make it this far. My big FUCK YOU to anybody who has ever stood in my way. My big FUCK YOU to anybody who ever shitted on me on my way up. That goes to family, friends, enemies, ex girls, teachers, principals, police, judges, or anybody who told me I wouldn’t get here. The kid with “ADHD” did it. ?? (#ADHD project coming soon)… new record and video dropping 10/17/18

Un post condiviso da Joyner Lucas (@joynerlucas) in data:

Joyner Lucas deve molto al rap e lo si vede/sente in ogni brano che fa, anche in questa I Love – prodotta da TheSkyBeats – dove parla, semplicemente, di amore, ma non di quello trattato ogni giorno da media e cantanti pop, bensì di quell’amore attaccato ad una vita ricca di ostacoli:

“Look, I love it when they count me out, I’m a soldier
Love when they think I ain’t cool ‘cause I’m sober
You used to love when we was down, we was closer
But I stopped lovin’ ever since I got fucked over”

I Love è stata pubblicata assieme ad un videoclip diretto da lui stesso in compagnia di Ben Proulx e in cui lo vediamo in diverse ambientazioni, dalla scena del crimine ad un campeggio, passando per auto rosa, belle donne e non solo.

Potete vederlo di seguito. Buon ascolto e buona visione!